What is the product name of the chemical with CAS number 54684-78-5?
The product name is Stearyl stearoyl stearate.
What are the synonyms for Stearyl stearoyl stearate?
The synonyms are Octadecanoic acid, 12-((1-oxooctadecyl)oxy)-, octadecyl ester.
What is the IUPAC name of Stearyl stearoyl stearate?
The IUPAC name is Octadecyl 12-octadecanoyloxyoctadecanoate.
What is the molecular weight of Stearyl stearoyl stearate?
The molecular weight is 819.42.
What is the molecular formula of Stearyl stearoyl stearate?
The molecular formula is C54H106O4.
What is the SMILES notation for Stearyl stearoyl stearate?
What is the InChI Key for Stearyl stearoyl stearate?
The InChI Key is InChI=1S/C54H106O4/c1-4-7-10-13-15-17-19-21-23-25-27-29-33-37-41-46-51-57-53(55)49-44-39-35-32-31-34-38-43-48-52(47-42-12-9-6-3)58-54(56)50-45-40-36-30-28-26-24-22-20-18-16-14-11-8-5-2/h52H,4-51H2,1-3H3
What is the percentage of actives in Stearyl stearoyl stearate?
The percentage of actives is 95%.
Can Stearyl stearoyl stearate be used as an emollient?
Yes, Stearyl stearoyl stearate can be used as an emollient.
What are some typical applications of Stearyl stearoyl stearate?
Some typical applications include being used as a thickener and for viscosity controlling purposes.