Targeted lipidomics focuses on characterization of specific lipids, often for quantification purposes. When you wish to study specific target lipids or lipid classes, targeted lipidomics is employed. In addition to, lipid classes with characteristic fragmentation patterns are suitable for targeted analysis, and low abundance lipids analysis also usually investigated via targeted analysis due to high sensitivity required [1]. Alfa Chemistry based on the sensitive and stable systems of separation, characterization, identification, analysis, and the professional technical teams to provide you with fast, accurate targeted lipidomics study service.
The triple quadrupole (QQQ) mass spectrometer has been the standard workhorse in targeted lipidomics, as it offers good sensitivity, reproducibility, and a broad linear range. Based on this, Alfa Chemistry has built two analysis mode, namely, multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)—also known as selected reaction monitoring (SRM) and parallel-reaction monitoring (PRM), for targeted lipidomics service.
The typical workflow of targeted lipidomics studies is as follows.
There are hundreds and thousands of lipids with wide diversities in structures and physiochemical properties in biological systems. Alfa Chemistry can offer the targeted lipidomics service for a lot of lipids, and they fall into the following eight categories.